Our pod’s interactive learning resource is on an introduction to web development. Specifically, learners will be learning about front-end web development which mainly consists of working with HTML and CSS. The video I have chosen is an educational video about the basics of HTML and how it is used:
What activity could you suggest that they do, after they have watched the video (designed)? What type of knowledge or skill would that activity help develop? What medium or technology would students use to do the activity?
After watching this video, we have set up a couple of different activities that the learner will complete. The first activity is a discussion forum where learners will post about one thing they learned from the video. This activity facilitates interactions between student/student as well as student/teacher. Learners will be using Google Groups to complete this activity as it is a open and free platform for creating discussion groups.
The second activity that students will complete is building their own simple HTML web page by following a list of criteria. This activity will help develop coding skills as learners will need to get hands-on and apply the material they have learned. Students will use either a simple text editor program like notepad, or the online code editor we embedded into our interactive learning resource.
How would students get feedback on the activity that you set? What medium or technology would they and/or you use for getting and giving feedback on their activity?
For the discussion forum activity, learners will get feedback from other students as we could encourage replies to other student’s forums posts. The learner will also get feedback through the instructor if they have a question which can be answered. Feedback will be given through replies to their forum posts.
For the creating a HTML web page activity, learners will get feedback by sending a screenshot of their HTML code and resulting web page to an instructor through e-mail. Instructors will give feedback to the learner by telling them whether their code meets the require criteria through e-mail.
How much work for you would that activity cause? Would the work be both manageable and worthwhile? Could the activity be scaled for larger numbers of students?
The discussion forum activity would not cause much work as learners are simply posting about what they have learned, so it would definitely be manageable. This activity can also be scaled for a large number of students as its only a matter of posting to a discussion forum and sharing what they have learned with other learners.
The creating a HTML web page activity would require a bit more work as the learner still may have trouble understanding coding. However, this activity would be very worthwhile for the learner as the best way to learn how to code is to be try it for themselves. This activity would be somewhat difficult to scale for a larger number of students due to having not enough instructors if they want to receive direct feedback. Nonetheless, the activity would still be a great learning experience for the students as they can reflect and apply what they have learned.
How will you address any potential barriers for your learners in the use of this video to ensure an inclusive design?
To address potential barriers and ensure inclusive design, I made sure that the video includes closed captioning for learners who might have hearing loss. These closed captioning subtitles can also be auto-translated to reduce the learning barrier in the case that English is not the learner’s native language. In addition to this, the video I chose has an reading article version of it, so for learners who prefer to read over watching a video they have that option.
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