How will your interactive learning resource specifically ensure that the needs of all learners can be met?
We have designed our interactive learning resource in a way such that it meets the needs of learners from a variety of backgrounds. Firstly, our interactive learning resource is a free online open course hosted on a google site that is accessible by anyone who can access the internet. The course is also compatible with and can be completed on any smart phone. This removes the barriers of needing a computer to access our learning resource. Furthermore, the course can be completed asynchronously, as all the learning materials were sourced from distributed and open learning sources. This allows for those who might have time constraints from working full-time or are busy for other reasons to complete the learning resource at their own pace. We’ve also carefully organized our learning resource into units and sub-units with numerical labels, and have included a table of contents, as well as, a navigation bar on the side of the website so learners can easily pick up from where they left off. Within the learning materials are a variety of multi-media learning resources such as educational videos and articles related to the course material. We ensured that for the sub-units which include instructional videos to also include additional resources in the unit such as educational articles. This is to accommodate for those who might have hearing loss and so videos would not be suitable.
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